Ethiopia, Pakistan agree to boost bilateral cooperation for global peace

ISLAMABAD, Feb 06 (APP): The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan on Monday agreed to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation on preserving the rules-based international order for global peace and security in the fast-changing global dynamism.

The resolve for boosting the cooperation in this regard was expressed during a meeting between Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the FDRE to Pakistan Jemal Beker Abdula and Additional Secretary (Africa), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Javed Ahmed Umrani.

Both the dignitaries discussed different ways to enhance bilateral, regional and multilateral cooperation between the two countries. The entire gamut of bilateral relations between the two countries was also reviewed during the meeting.

Ambassador Jemal Beker briefed the additional secretary on the ongoing peace process in Ethiopia and the commitment of the Ethiopian government towards implementation of the cessation of hostilities agreement signed in Pretoria in November last year and progress achieved so far.

He also gave a detailed briefing to Umrani on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam which was crucial to the regional integration and socio-economic development of the entire African continent.

The ambassador said the Government of Ethiopia was fully committed to the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization of trans-boundary water and the development of Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam was its true manifestation.

Jemal Beker also briefed the additional secretary on the preparations regarding a Pakistani business delegation flying to Ethiopia on 5-10 March 2023 for exploring business opportunities in the land of origins (Ethiopia).

He said the initiative would not only connect the two countries further but also help the Pakistani business community enter the Africa’s 1.4 billion people market.

The Ethiopian Airlines would soon start its operations from Karachi to connect Pakistan with the rest of Africa which offered lucrative business opportunities to the Pakistani traders, the ambassador remarked.

Additional Secretary Javed Ahmed Umrani thanked Jemal Beker for a detailed briefing on different matters related to the bilateral relations between the two countries and its future prospects.

He expressed the Government of Pakistan’s commitment to the ongoing peace process as well as reconstruction and rebuilding efforts in the northern parts of Ethiopia.

Umrani appreciated the Government of Ethiopia for pursuing the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization of trans-boundary water vis-a-vis the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

He hoped that a win-win solution would soon be reached among the relevant stakeholders in this regard.

The additional secretary also appreciated the FDRE Embassy in Islamabad for organizing a trade delegation to Ethiopia which would advance the bilateral relations between the two countries and also connect Pakistan with rest of Africa.

He urged the Pakistani traders to join in the delegation which was flying to Ethiopia in March.